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Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Parasites, worms and other intestinal critters

So before I got really sick, our training group began learning about amebas, parasites, brain worms and other little critters that can camp out in your organs if your food or water is contaminated. After hearing about all the different types of worms and parasites and discussing the stages of an ameba infestation, I got sick. As you might imagine, my imagination was running wild thinking of how parasites were filling my small intestine while the amebas were working their way from my spinal cord to my brain and the worms were siphoning nutrients out of my blood.

A friend of the family who spoke English came over one day and we started talking about health and he mentioned that sometimes certain smells still make his intestines (tripas in Spanish) quiver. That made me laugh (but also reconsider which type of parasite makes your guts jump) so when I wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t eat I would tell them “No puedo comer. Mis tripas estan bailando.” Or “I can’t eat. My intestines are dancing (which is honestly what it felt like).” And when I was feeling better in between parasital mosh pit parties in my gut, I would put my finger to my lips and say, “Shhhhhhh….por fin, mis tripas estan descansando.” Or “Quiet, my intestines are finally resting.”

It actually helps me feel better to joke about it because you can’t really take anything too seriously if you’re joking! But a friend of mine recently tested positive for amebas last week….ahhhhhhhh….it’s best not to think too hard about illness here or you’ll self-diagnose more than a first year medical student. The good news about diseases is that you get tested twice during your two years of service so if you do have anything, you’ll eventually find out!
Oh and PS I have either fleas or bed bugs. I’m not sure which is worse, I just wish I could have one day without scratching all the skin of my arms and legs lol hopefully it will pass soon……………………… ok I realize bed bugs don’t pass but you have to stay positive in this game hahaha.

Also something interesting I’ve noticed. Americans are very attached to their past-times/hobbies. Without them, the average person would explode! Think about it, whether that’s surfing the internet, cooking, exercising, people always DO something after work or school or on the weekends. Almost no one just stays at home every single day.

Well, one night I was pouting and mentally complaining that the proclaimed town dance party turned out to be an amazing band playing in front of a few hundred people who just stared at the 10 people who were dancing. As I spouted my fake obscenities (balderdash, shadrackles and shnookies) in my irritated head voice and daydreamed about going to Denver to dance real salsa with my sister, I realized that I was being totally irrational. I have NEVER seen my madre do anything to relieve stress or relax in the 7 weeks I’ve been here…there I am complaining that I can’t do my little hobby of dancing when this woman works no less than 16 hours a day (5am to 10pm) hand-washing clothes for seven people, hanging them all on the clothes line outside, ironing every piece of clothing, cooking every meal over a fire or gas stove, hand-making more than 100 tortillas a day, cleaning, going to the market to buy food or more. Honestly, she never stops working.

In that moment I mentally slapped myself across the face and hung my head in shame. Being here and seeing how she works her fingers to the bone, never complains and is actually quite pleasant and happy has shed new light on what it means to be grateful and joyful despite your circumstances. I supposed I learned my lesson about complaining and will think twice before complaining about my situation. Thanks host mom!!!

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